Advisory Panel Member
Ryan Owens
Stratatomic LLC
President & Owner Areas of Expertise
Digital Marketing Strategy;Understanding Customer Experience, Driving Innovation Through Digital, Strategic Social Media, Unleashing the Power of Mobile, Driving Integrating Digital Marketing, Analytics and Measurements, Digital Transformation
Ryan Owens is the founder, president and chief creative officer of Stratatomic LLC, an award-winning creative firm specializing in web, advertising, multimedia and graphic communications. A graduate of the University of South Carolina, Ryan serves as design strategist and technical director for all agency projects and brings more than 25 years of industry experience. Awards and accolades include a Best in Class 2018 Interactive Media Award, 2017 Interactive Media Award, 2016 WebAward, 2015 Interactive Media Award, 2014 Horizon Interactive Award, 2012 Horizon Interactive Award, 2010 Interactive Media Award, 2008 WebAward, 2007 Interactive Media Award, 2006 Horizon Interactive Award and 2005 WebAward.